ITC Speed Test

What is the ITC speed test?

The ITC speed test is a tool that measures and quantifies the amount of ITC internet speed. ITC is an Integrated Telecom Company, established in 2005, a Saudi-based telecommunication company. As time goes on, ITC emerges as the telecom company with the fastest rate of growth, providing the wholesale, government, corporate, and consumer markets with next-generation ICT solutions for broadband, connectivity, cloud computing, managed services, security services, satellite services, and internet services.

The speed test of ITC is the online assessment of your internet connection speed and other parameters, including upload speeds, downloading speeds, network jitter, and latency. The ITC speed test measures and generates the desired result in a bit and ensures either you are getting the speed you are promised, or there is a negative slope in your speed than you’re paying.

How to run an ITC speed test?

To run the ITC speed test tool, a click is needed. It is an easy and reliable tool. You should follow some steps to run an ITC speed test tool. These are;

  • Open your search engine.
  • Write on the search bar and press enter.
  • A “GO” will appear on the screen.
  • Click on “GO.”
  • With that click, our website will automatically locate your area from the nearest server.
  • Within seconds, your internet connection speed will be determined.
  • Other factors will be displayed on your screen along with your internet speed.
  • If you find your results less than the average speed you promised, you can contact your internet service provider and discuss and troubleshoot your problems.

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Parameters of the ITC speed test

Internet speed test tool works on a predetermined algorithm. ICT speed test tool works in the same manner. The speed test tool of ITC runs with a specific algorithm having specific parameters and measures internet connection speed while determining these factors. The factors include are;

Upload speed

Upload speed is the total amount of data sent at a particular time to the server. It influences the time required to send data of various sizes and emails with large attachments, and it is measured in Mbps.

Download speed

Download speed is the rate at which a specific amount can be downloaded for a specific time is known as downloading speed. It determines the time required to download a file, video, video, audio, and game and the quality of online videos. It is also measured in Mbps.

Network jitter

It is the total interval required for the date to reach its destination. Jitter sometimes causes congestion in streaming videos, audio, and online games. Thirty milliseconds are considered ideal for data transmission.


Latency is also known as Ping or Delay time. The rate at which data transfer from one place to another is known as latency, measured in milliseconds. Usually, the lower value of the ping is said to be good internet speed, and the customers will get satisfactory results.

ITC Speed Test

How does the ITC speed test tool work?

ITC speed test can be performed by using any gadget or device. This speed test can be conducted on a desktop, laptop, cellphone, tablet, etc. The speed test of ITC starts instantly with the click on “GO.”, appearing on top of the page. By clicking your location and information is collected from the nearest server. Upload speed is determined by sending data packets in bytes to a remote server, and Download speed is measured after determining upload speed. The ITC speed test tool works stepwise to give accurate results about your stable internet connection speed, not your top connection speed.

Things to do before running the ITC speed test

Multiple factors influence the accuracy of the ICT speed test tool results. Running a speed test two to three times is advised to get an average result. Moreover, the area of your location and the time of the day can also affect the generated report.

Following are simple guidelines you should consider before running the ITC speed test;

  • Disconnect all other devices except the one you use to run the test.
  • Use the Ethernet cable.
  • Refresh the modem by cutting electricity for one minute.
  • Disconnect all VPNs.
  • Clear the cache before running the test.

Factors influencing internet connection speed

Many factors influence internet connection speed in one way or another. Recognizing and pinpointing these factors helps you identify the cause of the potential problem. Some of these factors are given below.

  • Engagement of multiple devices at the same time.
  • Broken or weak LAN wires.
  • Weak wireless LAN signals.
  • The modem is placed near a heavy transmission cable.
  • Exposed copper wiring.
  • Extreme Weather conditions interrupt the quality and speed of the internet.
  • Not cleaning cache regularly.

Keep yourself updated regarding any related issue and work on it because these factors will result in slow internet connection speed. When you pinpoint the cause of the problem, finding the solution is easy. You can improve connection speed by following some guidelines. These are;

  • Clear the cache regularly.
  • Download each file at a time.
  • Use highly sealed copper wiring.
  • Place your router indoors.
  • Refresh your modem and router.
  • Be in the range of your router and modem.
  • Keep your modem and router updated.
  • Check for exposed wiring.
  • Place your router indoors.


What is the approximate download speed of ITC?

ITC’s approximate download speed is 18.71 Mb/s

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What is the approximate upload speed of ITC?

ITC’s approximate upload speed is 4.72 Mb/s

Is ITC safe?

YES! ITC is safe.